Work Happy Coaching

What running a business through 2 previous recessions taught Maggie Patterson



Maggie Patterson is the editorial director at Scoop Studio and the creator of Small Business Boss. With two decades of experience, Maggie has spent her entire career in client services and has been a successful entrepreneur for 15 years. Today, she works with freelancers and agency owners to help them implement smart strategies for business growth using proven marketing, sales, and client experience tactics. She’s the host of the Small Business Boss podcast, has been on stage at events such as New Media Expo, Podcast Movement, and the Conquer Summit, and her work has been featured in leading publications such as, Fast Company and today's episode, we talk about mental health, our frustration with how suddenly way too many people consider themselves to be an epidemiology expert (we're looking at you tech bros) and what running a business through previous market downturns has taught us (and why that's not always going to track into this one.)Maggie shares her wisdom