
Christian Zionism: The War-Based Religion



Steve Elkins, host of The National Intel Report on the Republic Broadcasting Network, interviews Tom Compton, one of the founding directors of We Hold These Truths (WHTT) about Zionized Christianity. WHTT has conducted over 200 vigils since 2002. Included in this interview is a discussion of how we started our vigils. Chuck Carlson, founder of WHTT decided to hold our first vigil five months before the second war on Iraq and Saddam Hussein as a response to a letter sent to President George Bush in October 2002 by Richard Land, President of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. The letter was signed by several prominent evangelical Christians and told President Bush that going to war against Iraq would be a "just" war by their interpretation of the Bible. Then, in 2017 when the SBC came to Phoenix for their annual meeting, we confronted Richard Land's successor, Dr. Russel Moore in an interesting exchange. For related podcasts, Click Here