Unthinkable With Jay Acunzo

How to Define Quality | One-Shot #24



How you define quality is contextual, it's in the eyes of the beholder. In this one-shot, Jay breaks down the three questions we each need to ask to define quality - Who is it for? What is it for? How will I know if it's working? - and then shares the two habits that can help us to create quality content. ***KEEP MAKING WHAT MATTERS:1.  Learn more about Jay's 1:1 coaching and collaboration: https://jayacunzo.com/accountability-group-for-b2b-marketers-creators2. Get a new story/framework from Jay every other week for making things that matter more to you and others: jayacunzo.com/newsletter3. Join the Creator Kitchen, a membership program for professional communicators to achieve their creative potential.Go inside the making of Unthinkable and all Jay's projects, immerse yourself in the work of inspiring creators, get personalized feedback from Jay, and join live sessions to do better work, more consistently and confidently.creatorkitchen.com(Use code UNTHINKABLE for $100 off membership.)***PRODUCTION CREDITS: