Mosaic Church Of Clayton

There is No Male or Female



This is a sermon preached on May 23, 2021. Due to sound issues it was never posted. In light of the recent decisions by The Southern Baptist Convention, we felt it was important to retrieve it and make sure it was available. If you are looking for another way of understanding what scripture says about women, this will be a great starting place."Here are a few guiding principles when you are looking for what is right and true, students hear this because it will not be long that you are in college and looking for a campus ministry to join or a church to join, If you pull a few verses out of context and make sweeping statement about half of the world’s population, it is about power and control. Do not believe it as the truth when they convincingly lob a handful of verses at you as declarative, about anything. Just because it is something that we have come to believe or has been preached over time, does not mean it is right. The Bible is a radical account of a God that is calling the people back in relationship w