Beth Jones International Speaker

The Power of Your Worship & Praise



Did you know that your worship and praise of God is spiritual warfare against the enemy, Satan? Last night I had a dream about this. I was having (hosting) a women's conference. I was getting dressed and ready for the conference with makeup and lipgloss and looking into the mirror. I feel this part of the dream symbolizes our need to always be prepared and be ready to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others (1 Peter 3:15, NKJV). We also need to daily put on the armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18, NKJV) The scene in the dream shifted. I and the women at the conference were walking down a dirt road. I could sense the spiritual warfare all around us. I began to worship and praise God, singing, and led the women with the worship and praise. Each day you and I face spiritual warfare as Christian believers, but we have the victory through our faith in Jesus. Worship and praise are powerful weapons against the enemy, Satan. That was the end of the dream. The verses I shared in this podcast are Joshua Chapte