The Bike Karma Podcast

BK EP 70 - Becoming a Cyclist - The Bicycle Game Exhibit



  The Mission of the Bike Karma Podcast to bring humans together through sharing good bicycle stories. BK EP 70 Segments: (Please Refresh if Audio Glitch. Fixed at 4:21 EST) 1- How do you go from being just a person using a bicycle to considering yourself a cyclist? 2- Mid Roll Gratitudes and Show Supporter Spots AD Bikes with Fred Thomas The link to AD Bikes. Also... Link to my Patreon Page (You can help the show for as little as $1 a month). 3- The Connecticut Historical Society Exhibit The Bicycle Game with Katie Heidsiek 4- Credits and Final Thought  If you like any segment or episode PLEASE follow, like, share, or even better give a positive review (especially on iTunes), and share with any bicycle loving friends or people who don't like bicycles but who need to understand why you do. FREE STICKERS!!!! while they last   To see what is mentioned in the podcast check out...