Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

You’ve Spotted Another Writer’s Typo. Now What Do You Do?



As writers, we spend countless hours crafting and refining our work to perfection. We labor over word choices, sentence structure, and the perfect flow. Despite our best efforts—even after a pass through Grammarly—typos slip through. As writers, we tend to spot them in other people's projects, even if we miss them in our own. How do you react when you spot a typo in someone else's writing? Do you assume they're unprofessional and lose faith in them? Or do you extend grace and understand that mistakes happen? Automatic Unsubscribe One time I spoke with a professional in the creative space who said if she sees a typo, it’s an automatic unsubscribe. "Seriously?” I exclaimed. “You don't even give them three strikes?" "No, that's it. I unsubscribe on the spot." I strive toward excellence and aim for perfect prose, but if I'm in a hurry or make a last-minute change, I miss details. I'm sure you've noticed them in blog posts and emails. "Well,” I told her, “I suppose you aren't on my list,