Trinity Episcopal Cathedral's Choral Evensong Podcasts

Choral Evensong: Johann Arndt and Jacob Boehme - The Rev. Adrienne Koch



10 May, 2023 Download the Bulletin: Choir: Illuminare Chamber Choir (Youngstown, OH) Officiant: The Very Rev. Bernard J. Owens Hymns: 669, 677 Psalm 119:137-44 Responses: Jack Richard Hodkinson Service: E. J. Moeran in D (1894-1950) Anthem O Strength and Stay - Eric Thiman (1900-1975) Order of Service: Prelude Opening Preces Office Hymn: 669 Psalm 119:137-44 First Lesson -- Exodus 17:1-7 Magnificat Second Lesson -- Mark 6:45-52 Nunc Dimittis Apostle's Creed Responses, Lord's Prayer, and Collects Greeting and Homily Anthem: O Strength and Stay - Eric Thiman (1900-1975) Spoken Prayers Concluding Versicle and Response Blessing Hymn 67 Voluntary Anthem: O Strength and Stay - Eric Thiman (1900-1975) O strength and stay upholding all creation, who ever dost thyself unmoved abide, yet day by day the light in due gradation from hour to hour through all its changes guide; Grant to life's day a calm unclouded en