Dominion Fire 360

Is Physical Immortality Possible with Michael C. King



While we know that we have eternal life in Jesus, where does that leave us in this physical life?  Are we meant to be subject to the rules and physics of a fallen, corrupted world, or do we have a special calling from Jesus to defeat death as He did?  Michael C. King has released his new book, "The Gospel of Life and Immortality,"  where he takes the reader through a fairly logical progression explaining what the Gospel of Life and Immortality even is by looking at what Jesus taught on the subject, where we can find these truths in the Old Testament, Paul’s teachings on the subject, and much more. We discuss the topics of healing, resurrection, translation, and immortal physical life, from an overhead view, and attempt to break down what it all means, if there is anything specific to it, and what it looks like to the everyday believer. We further unpack what this means for the current times we live in, how it affects the modern church, and what details and facts we may have overlooked all this time. Sharpen u