Are You Being Present?

Episode 93 - You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed to Be in This Present Moment



The Presence Projects presents episode 93 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join Paul for a podcast that focuses on "destination addiction" and how it obstructs our ability to fully accept all that is available, and possible, in the Present moment. The title and topic of this episode is “You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed to Be in This Present Moment".  In this podcast Paul provides a helpful statement that provides reassurance to his listeners who may be experiencing some Presence challenges.  By fully accepting where you are, and who you are, it becomes possible to achieve clarity and live a more peaceful existence in the Present moment. “Destination addiction” is a common behavior that has created a lot of self-inflicted suffering throughout Western society.  It is the idea/premise that somewhere else, something else, or someone else is far better than what is unfolding in your life at that Present moment.  This is a tool of the ego that creates a significant obstruction to being Present