Calvary Chapel Elk Grove Wednesday

10. Romans 1:16-17 Part 2 (3-15-23)



10. Romans 1:16-17 Part 2 Pastor Phil Ballmaier Calvary Chapel Elk Grove 3-15-23 Tonight Pastor Phil continues in Romans 1:16-17 to zoom in on the Power, Salvation, Believing and Righteousness in Christ in these verses. By our old nature, we are incapable in walking in any of those. When we place our faith and trust in Jesus, He makes us a new creation—and His Spirit enables us to put our whole weight upon Him, and the power to continue in Him... As Pastor Phil described previously, Paul chose Rome for a reason when he went out to preach. Firstly, because God had sent him, but because Rome was a central 'point of the world' as 'all roads lead to Rome'. So if he shared the Gospel there, whomever received it would carry God's Word, and the testimonies of Paul and the work they'd seen done out into the four corners of the world. Often referred to as the Gospel according to Paul, and the greatest book ever written, Paul's letter to the Romans will become our focus as Pastor Phil continues to lead u