Jackie Rowe Is Here!!!!!

Episodes 74 Stormy Wellington! Re-Cap from the Coach



About Stormy Wellington Stormy Wellington is known across the world for her fame and fortune earned in the world of multi-level marketing and direct sales, Stormy has used her wealth and influence to fuel her purpose and help thousands of women to embrace their authentic selves. I am love. I am light. I am peace. I am joy. I am UNPHUCKWITHABLE!” Words you will often hear if spending time in the presence of Stormy Wellington, visionary of Girl Hold My Hand Inc. Known across the world for her fame and fortune earned in the world of multi-level marketing and direct sales, Stormy has used her wealth and influence to fuel her purpose and help thousands of women to embrace their authentic selves. It was far from an easy journey to success. Born in New York, moved to San Francisco and eventually rooted and raised in Miami, Florida; while most kids were worried about getting home before the street lights came on, Stormy was questioning if her mother was going to be at home at all! At an early age, Stormy got a very d