Dee Snider Radio

Dee Snider Radio May 25 2001



Dee complains too much rain Beths tennis lessons Dee amp Beth talk about going to dinner together Courtney Love bathroom etiquette backlash Dees cleaning bathrooms story booger in bathroom recap rubber band around testes couple fighting over dog Keiko the whale lady named Pearl Harbor peeps response to public bathroom etiquette boob ball Rick Derringer song parody contest info Darksides public shower issue guys in the gym showing off their junk peeps response to over weight shame of the city what the hell am I going to do this weekend song parody contest info what the hell am I going to do this weekend continues food poisoning at democratic fund raiser Chris Dodd with child on the way someone put Gumby on Dees desk gas prices reaching 2 teen marriages funny Jesus statues lady brought pot to a pot luck monkey man club of idiots Rob Schneider interview Rob Dibble interview liberal Quakers New Zealands animal fart production Pearl Harbor dolls pregnant US Open player sex amp prom Dees nonprom story scared straig