Beth Jones International Speaker

What legacy are you leaving?



What legacy are you leaving here on Earth? Recently I watched the Gals On The Go podcast on YouTube. The topic was, "Are we ACTUALLY turning into our parents?" It was funny. The hosts, Brooke and Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio were chatting about things like their moms still carrying around checkbooks in their purses, the rule of having no phone at the table and eating together as a family, dessert or no dessert with dinner, and putting extra plastic liners in the trash can at the bottom of it.  It got me to thinking how I was raised as a child and if I taught my children the way my family raised me. What kind of legacy do you and I want to leave when we die? How are we raising our children (or how did we raise them)? You can be the one to change your family's history by being on fire for Jesus and obeying God's word. The verse for today's podcast is Proverbs 22:6.  Find out more about my speaking for women's conferences, retreats, and online events at I'm having a book-writin