Everyday Ayurveda And Yoga At Hale Pule

Nourishing our bodies



Welcome to the Everyday Ayurveda & Yoga | Sattvic Revolution series with Myra Lewin.We're dedicating 2023 to The Joyful Journey of sattvic living. We’ll offer guidance and tools from Ayurveda and Yoga for living consciously, simply, and with love. In this month's episode, Myra explores:Society's linear relationship to foodThe impact of how and what we eat on our inner worldHolistically nourishing our bodiesWe are hosting our most loved and popular free online training called Flow with the Feminine which offers four transformational sessions on how to balance your hormones naturally throughout life. We invite you to join us for this very special gathering. For more details and to register, visit our show notes, or click here to join. Learn Hale Pule's tridoshic approach to creating nourishing meals, join Simple Ayurvedic Cooking with Hale Pule. The recipes are easy, delicious, and will leave you feeling energized. Thanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podca