Three Dogs North

S11 Episode 55- Ten pages in



In this episode, the dogs hear Rob's hot take on 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (4:35). They all discuss the importance of choosing to engage with reality (11:48), especially when it can be tempting to "shirk" off the present moment (34:30). Quotes: “I am not alone. It’s not just on me to create the meaning of my life. This is not all there is.”  (Connor, 23:10) “Jesus seems to rectify and provide a lived reality that you don’t have to rebel against everything in order to fully actualize your humanity.” (Mike, 25:10) “She (St. Therese) only wants reality and what her human limits allow. She has no problem being limited by her humanity.” (Rob, 26:50) “It’s impossible for Jesus to will useless suffering.” (Connor quoting St. Therese, 28:50) “God is out there, in the desert with you.” (Connor, 31:30) “We’re not at the promised land yet, but we are there, in those moments of Kiaros.” (Connor, 32:51) "What gives me life is living within Christ and then responding to the reality with Hi