Kevin Whitsitt

Will ChatGPT Take Over Content Creators, Bloggers, Copywriters?



Click on the link below for more...  Hey, wutzup.   A very long time ago article spinning was all the rage. You could take an article change a few words and spam backlinks and thus game Google.   It did work for a small amount of time, but not in the long run.   As you can imagine the articles sounded not that good.   There are some similarities between ChatGPT and this method if you just use ChatGPT to do all the work for you.    I'm not nervous about this technology completely taking over work for bloggers,  copywriters, and content creation and I'll give you 4 reasons.  For one 1 some people will get so scared they will quit and that means less competition for the rest of us.    Number 2 – ChatGPT and AI doesn't have the personal experience that a real person has. Don't get me wrong ChatGPT has a place and can be helpful, but it's just different. &