Three B Zine Podcast! Local Craft Beer Music And Food Podcast From San Diego!

Episode 353: Episode 353 - And Were Back



And…Were back! BNISD is back in “studio” with a brand new episode–Finally. We start off by dusting off the cobwebs and giving some detail on WHY we were gone for so long. But hey, time to move forward. Tune in as we sample some amazing news beers–Both from in town and from afar–While discussing some of the latest beer topics and news from around San Diego. Plus, get inside details on what you all are really wondering–How the time off has helped Noah’s golf game. All this, plus tons more including what Mike and Noah say is the biggest admission from Cody in the shows history •Shrug*. Tune on in for the show you’ve all missed as BNiSD is back and in rare form.