Learning To Fly...together

Test Episode of the Lessons Feed



This is a short episode recorded to explain and test a seperate feed.   If it works there should be a seperate feed for "The Lessons".   As explained in the first episode and show notes,  when Rob is actually teaching Tina a ground lesson,  that lesson will be posted as a seperate feed.   This way those not interested in "lesson content" don't have to listen on the main feed.  For those who just want the lesson content, they can download and subscibe to The Lessons.We will see how this works.  We are unfamiliar with how our podcasting host works split feeds.  So if it doesn't work right away then you at least know what we are trying to accomplish.  Please be patient.Now that we have our feet wet, will get on with reporting the story and get some flying done.Roblearningtoflytogether@gmail.comVoicemail: 206-984-2359