

We're sick. But, probably for different reasons. Still, we wanted to get a show out before the end of the month. During this episode, we talked about why we're sick. We discussed the  new business we started, as well as what it's been like to be self-employed the last couple years. We talked about an audiobook we recently produced. Then, we finished out the show by opening a mystery box that was recently sent to our post office box. Links: The Devouring by Richard Taylor audiobook on Audible Support Hyper Nonsense Get in touch with us! e-Mail: Twitter: @hypernonsense Call our voicemail line: 805-725-5085 Subscribe to Hyper Nonsense: RSS | iTunes | Spreaker | Stitcher | TuneIn | Android | Google Play Music Let us know if your favorite podcast app/platform isn't listed above!