All About Fitness

Dr. Natalia Petrzela - Fit Nation



Do you realize that once-upon-a-time, carrying a few extra pounds of fat was considered a sign of good health? How did we go from a culture that appreciated girth to one obsessed with being skinny? Why do we exercise the way we do? What societal forces influence the ways that we exercise? Dr. Natalia Petrzela is an Associate Professor of History at the New School in New York City and teaches about the history of the fitness industry; Fit Nation: The Gains and Pains of America's Exercise Obsession is her book that describes the origins of our obsession with fitness and how that has shaped our society (pun fully intended). Dr. Petrzela shares her insights on what has made exercise popular and what that means for our workout routines. It's all about the history of half-naked people getting sweaty on this episode of All About Fitness. Order your copy of Fit Nation today: Stay up-to-date on historical insights and their context, follow Dr. Petrzela on Twitter: @nataliapetrzela www.butch