Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! Exceptional Circumstances, Making it Work When Systems Don't Episode 1~Lisa Consolidates



Lisa Larson is a mother, daughter, Senior Care Advocate, Learning Assistant, Co-Owner of TSC Talks, LLC and all-around awesome human being. Lisa started working on the podcast in 2018 after hearing the resilience, intensity complicated nature of the challenges people with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex were dealing with and offered to help me edit. The rest is history. We’ve evolved considerably since our early days and expanded the breadth and depth of our content, from purely TSC related to the broader “special needs” umbrella, then cannabis, cannabinoid medicine, and alternative health to where we are today, highlighting the cracks in the system, hoping to shed some light, inspiration and provide resources and information on practical ways to buck the system. Well….not buck it, but bolster, integrate and enrich our lives with stories of others who have found ways to improve quality of life without increasing dependence. Lisa’s story is the start of this content thread. Here’s a few lines from the podcast trans