Men In Gorilla Suits

Last Seen...Running for Ten Years



Pull up a stump and gather round, for I will speak to you now about the Gorillamen... Some say they escaped...wherever it is they once were. Sightings are frequent: in the beginning, weekly. In time, they were seen and heard every other week. Now, they sometimes have a couple sightings a month, but at times we all wonder if they will ever come back. They always do... Somewhere it is written that the Gorillamen met while working for a large finance company, two apes-made-good writing mortgage procedures to [hopefully] prevent unfair practices. It is not likely their work changed much, but it was clearly meant to be...because on February 7, 2013, they crowded around a microphone not-at-all suited for podcasting and...they started a podcast anyway! Now, ten years later, they are still on the run; still being sighted; and sometimes...even heard spreading their own ape-branded philosophy and humor at least they find funny. To say they are another two-guys-with-microphones podcast is true, but it