Pure Hope

Memoirs of a Mystic Misfit with Barbara Korte



Barbara is an intuitive sound and energy practitioner, psychic, spiritual counselor, teacher and life coach. She is a big component of teaching and activating people to empower themselves and connect to their own souls guidance. Her life has been blessed with many inter-dimensional experiences which has helped her to understand the planet and it’s true history at a far deeper level. Her mission to source has brought her to different places around the world where she has worked with Spirit to clear and encode water and the land to help set the energy for the shift that is getting ready to unfold for humanity and the planet, once the old outdated energies are dismantled. Part of that work was to open up Cities of Light around the globe. Barbara has just released her new book “Memoirs of a Mystic Misfit” ( Healing dysfunction and programming to open our higher potential‘s.) The book takes you and her intimate, memorable and often times humorous journey to heal and transcend her life in ways most people cou