To The Batpoles! Batman 1966

#199 "Nora Clavicle" scripts and writing in season three



The three versions of the script for Nora Clavicle and the Ladies’ Crime Club raise some interesting questions about season three. Why did the Duo and Batgirl never have a way to easily contact each other? Why do our heroes’ early suspicions that Nora is crooked all get cut from the script? What are the types of female characters that the show keeps coming back to? Plus we look at lines and events that were cut — or added — at late stages in a very hurried process. PLUS, Chad Vermillion’s “hey look, cool musical hardware!” version of the Batman theme, Lee Meriwether interviewed at the premiere of Batman the Movie, and we read some of your reaction to our look at the West/Gorshin Shea Stadium show! Nora Clavicle scripts First draft Revised draft Final Teaser for Penguin's Clean Sweep Discussion on the '66 Batman message board