Reality Check Nation Radio Show

Reality Check Nation Silence the Violence



Teen violence is a heart issue not a hardware issue If we don't listen to teens, they'll do something to be heard and that something could be an act of violence. Teen violence is a very real occurrence, and violent crimes are committed by teens regularly. Thirty-two percent of kids, according to a 2011 survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, admit to having taken part in a physical fight. Whether you have concerns about bullying, verbal insults, physical aggression or the use of guns, teen violence is something no one should tolerate. Violence on our public school campuses is increasing at an alarming rate. It has been a loud noise ringing through our schools and in the ears of teenagers that are on edge. It seems as though teenagers have no concept of the value of life; from the school yard shootings, gangs, bullying, dating violence and the list goes on. With the violence so out of control, we have to get the youth of America to start taking a stand against the violence in America an