Reality Check Nation Radio Show

Reality Check Nation Demo



Reality Check Nation fulfills the promise of "getting real on every level". The 2-hour radio program features stories, advice, inspirational insight, and gets right to the point. It spares no details about the gruesome effects of growing problems in this generation such as the abuse of alcohol, drugs, and harmful practices such as bullying, self-injury, and much, much more. It's funny, serious, educational and filled with attitude. Each week the hosts Sean Mulroney and John Martin interview parents, teens, celebrities, sports stars, and experts who have been affected by the dangerous consequences of bad choices. Sean and John cover the issues that people often candy coat, not by just revealing the problem, but by focusing on pursuing a solution. They strive to care and make a difference in every listener’s life. Reality Check Nation targets pre teen, teens, parents, and families and the rapidly growing list of advertisers interested in connecting with the largest group of teens and parents in U.S. history.