Reality Check Nation Radio Show

Reality Check Nation Fathers: the missing link of society



The growing epidemic of fatherless families has taken a grave toll on children, both young and old, in the form of emotional, social, spiritual, academic, physical, criminal, and suicidal issues later on in life. There is no doubt that we live in a fatherless generation. We either have fathers that are absent physically or mentally, and relinquish there responsibilities, fathers aren't taught to be fathers, or teens are becoming fathers prematurely. It's time for fathers to step to the plate and start teaching and training your sons, those that don't have a father it's time us as men to step in and mentor them, & teens need to wait until they are married, have a job, & not living off their parents Adolescent fathers have remained an understudied and underserved population.1 While teen fatherhood appears to be associated with similar consequences to those observed for teen mothers,2 most national programs serving low-income families focus on mothers rather than fathers.3 Recently, attempts to include