Underground Usa

A New Congress. A New Speaker…But How Free Are We?



Before we get into yesterday morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge that US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the new Speaker of the House…after 15 votes. That’s the first time that's happened in a hundred years and then only after having acquiesced to some demands that, quite honestly, weren't that unreasonable. The Speaker of the House has a lot of power just because of the position. You don't need to amass more power underneath that position to run the chamber as a totalitarian as Nancy Pelosi did. There is a great article by Glenn Greenwald – not necessarily someone from the Right camp – that talks about how lockstep the Left is and how the narrative that the Right just follows their leaders and never questions authority is really just a false narrative. It's a great article. He's got it over at Rumble. Go take a listen. I was impressed with it.But, as we move forward, we need to make sure that the things that we were promised come to pass. We need to