Fcc Sermon Of The Week



Make God's Glory Known


  • How God Equips You to Conquer


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Sanders encourages us to use what we have. God has already given us everything we need for living a godly life on this earth. We choose to lock it all away or we can choose to bring it out and let God transform the world through us.

  • Change The Way You Think


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Justin encourages us to become a new person by renewing our minds and changing the way we think. The key to the Christian life is getting our mind to come into agreement with what is true in God’s Word and in our spirit.

  • I Know The Plans I Have For You


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us to embrace the plan that God has for our lives–to let His love, presence, and purpose be demonstrated through us with power.

  • Believing God’s Promises


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Sanders encourages in believing the promises of God and the connection between the promises we’ve also made to Him.

  • My 50 Feet–Are You Missional?


    FCC Featured Sermon This is the first week of our series, My 50 Feet. This week Pastor Justin shares about how changing the world starts with My 50 Feet. Every person who comes into My 50 Feet deserves an encounter with Jesus–His Love, His Presence, and His Purpose for their life. We have to live our lives mindful of our purpose–bringing others into encounters with Jesus.

  • Money Matters: True Riches


    This is the second week of our series, Money Matters. This week Pastor Justin shows how our obedience in the area of tithes and offerings positions us to receive the TRUE riches of Heaven.

  • Don’t Throw Away Your Hope


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Justin Fields encourages to not let go of our hope, to guard against the poison of doubt, and remain confident that we will see the goodness of God in the “land of the living.”

  • Seeking God Leads to Encounter


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Guest Minister Doug Pitman encourages us that seeking God always leads to encounter with God, and that if we seek God we will find Him when we search for Him with all of our heart.

  • It’s Hard to Wait


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us to wait on God, even when it is hard, because there is a process God wants to take us through to get us where we need to be.

  • Expect Something


    FCC Featured Sermon This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us from the Book of Acts, that like the disciples who were told to wait for the promise, we should live with expectation of God doing something in our church, our homes, our families, and our lives.

  • Let There Be An Outpouring


    FCC Featured Sermon: This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages to let the Holy Spirit that has been poured into us be poured out of us to bless the lives of other people around us.

  • God’s Power is Revealed Through Problems


    FCC Featured Sermon: This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us to seek the revelation of God’s Power through the problems we face.

  • Encountering God’s Presence


    FCC Featured Sermon: This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us to pursue encounters with the Presence of God.

  • Living With Purpose & Power


    FCC Featured Sermon: This week Pastor Jackie Sanders encourages us to live in the purpose and power that God has for us.