Open Mind Open Body



Audio blog for yoga students and teachers. Yoga teacher and psychologist Kelly McGonigal answers listeners' questions about yoga practice, yoga philosophy, yoga therapy, and teaching yoga. For more yoga resources, visit


  • Yoga that Feels Like Home


    This podcast is a reflection on what it means to feel at home - and how yoga practice creates a sense of being safe and cared for.

  • Take a Deep Breath


    This podcast is inspired by an email question I received from a teacher working privately with a woman who grew up believing that "women should not show visible signs of sweating or breathing." The podpast includes my teaching recommendation, a reflection on the "Politics of Breathing" (or, why so many women chronically hold their breaths), and a 10-minute guided breathing practice that will help you liberate your own breathing, finding a relaxed, easy, and empowered breath.

  • Befriending Your Body


    This podcast answers a student's question about how yoga can help you maintain a healthy weight - and then addresses the more important question of how awareness practice can help you befriend your body exactly as it is. Includes a 20-minute guided breathing and meditation practice, and a guest appearance by my purring cat.Take care,Kelly

  • What Do You Do When Emotions Come Up in Yoga Class?


    This podcast shares an email exchange that took place in my Yoga of Connection online class and community. It discusses how to handle difficult emotions that come up during a yoga practice, and how yoga can help an individual heal from abuse. My extreme gratitude to the student who wrote the intitial email, for her courage and honesty sharing her experience.Take care,Kelly

  • Interview about Yoga Therapy


    I was recently interviewed for an article about the upcoming International Yoga Therapy Conference in Tiburon, CA (outside San Francisco) May 12-14. I will be presenting a lecture and workshop on the Yoga of Connection at the conference, as well as participating in a panel discussion on the role of yoga in healthcare.This podcast features my full responses to the interviewer's questions about yoga therapy.