Shyhwen Jaw's Podcast




  • Nexus7 and Kindle Fire HD

    07/09/2012 Duração: 04min

    Nexus7 and Kindle Fire HD cost 200$ and sell for 200$.

  • Diet, Exercise and Sleep

    06/09/2012 Duração: 03min

    3 elements of health. What we eat. Physical exercise. Sleep and rest.

  • Kung Fu: Da Na Shuai Die

    21/08/2012 Duração: 02min

    4 categories of techniques in Chinese martial arts. 1 Da: hit, strike, punch and kick; 2 Na: seize and control; 3 Shuai: throw; 4 Die: trip to fall.

  • Kung Fu: Jia Zi

    20/08/2012 Duração: 04min

    Jia Zi means frame or shape. There are 3 types. Xing, Jin and Gong.

  • WordPress to tweet

    18/08/2012 Duração: 02min

    We may say more in a blog. We may insert photo, video and podcast. We then tweet about the blog link. This makes our tweets so much better.

  • Kung Fu: Standing Practice

    16/08/2012 Duração: 01min

    Standing in postures. In the beginning of practicing Chinese martial arts, we are required to hold in posture for 10 min or more.

  • Ba Gua Zhang: 4 Stepping Methods

    13/08/2012 Duração: 05min

    Four major stepping methods: 1. Mud sliding step; 2. Swing step; 3. Button step; 4. Circle walking.

  • Ba Gua Zhang

    13/08/2012 Duração: 01min

    The first teacher was Dong Hai Chuan. He was very quick at changing steps, turning and flipping body and arms. His fighting method was called spiraling palm. Later as people tried to understand the changes in steps and body methods and started to call it Ba Gua Zhang.

  • Tai Ji Quan

    13/08/2012 Duração: 42s

    Chen family boxing methods started at the end of Ming dynasty. Over the years,they incorporated the theory of Tai Ji into their practice. Thus Chen family boxing methods gained the name.

  • Shao Lin Temple

    13/08/2012 Duração: 02min

    Shao Lin temple was started as a hosting temple for Priest Da Mo from India. Legends said that he sat in meditation for over 7 years. The temple was considered as the birth place for Chan (Zen) sect of Buddhism in China.

  • Tang Lang: Praying Mantis Fighting Methods

    12/08/2012 Duração: 04min

    The legend said that it was Wang Lang created the style at the end of Ming dynasty. There are 3 major schools of the style. They are 7 star, plum flower and 6 harmony.

  • What is Ba Gua (Pa Kua) ?

    11/08/2012 Duração: 01min

    Ba Gua means 8 signs. A solid line representing Yang and a broken in the middle line representing Yin. We may have 4 combinations (Si Xiang). If we add a third line, we may have 8 possibilities. They are called Ba Gua.

  • What is Tai Ji (Tai Chi)?

    11/08/2012 Duração: 02min

    Tai Ji is a model to explain interaction of 2 opposing factors. The sunny side Yang and the shadowy side Yin. At the extreme of the day begins the night. At the end of the night starts the day.

  • Yahoo, Netscape, AOL: 3 internet pillars in early 1990s

    10/08/2012 Duração: 04min

    I used internet for emails and news. Jerry Yang was compiling directories for the world wide web at University trailer computer lab. I used Netscape browser and searched yahoo directories in early 1990s. I used AOl dial in at home to check emails and news.

  • Red flags falling in 1989

    10/08/2012 Duração: 04min

    In 1989, Russia decided to give up over 70 years of communist ideology and pulled Red Army out of eastern Europe and Afghanistan. In China, students were gathering on Tian An Men square in memory of Hu Yao Bang.

  • Kuai Jiao: Quick Throw 12 Methods

    08/08/2012 Duração: 04min

    A new book about Chinese wresting is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

  • Episode 5

    02/09/2011 Duração: 10min

    Taiwan VS China in 1958. President Eisenhower responded rapidly and stood on the side of Taiwan.

  • Episode 4

    31/08/2011 Duração: 03min

    Black cat (U-2) down. the tale of a magnificent spy plane; bravery and heroism of Taiwan Air Force pilots.

  • Episode 3

    29/08/2011 Duração: 02min

    President Nixon was impeached in 1974.

  • Episode 2

    29/08/2011 Duração: 05min

    Getting News from newspaper, radio, Cable TV, to internet.

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