Sim Chat Podcast



Two teachers and SIM Professional Developers providing current information and strategies about the Strategic Instructional Model.


  • Episode 17: The Partnership Principles


    How we integrate Jim Knight's Partnership Principles into our workshops and trainings, and why they are critical to successful professional development.SIM Chat Episode 17: The Partnership Principles

  • Episode 16: Course Organizer


    SIM Chat Episode 16

  • Episode 15: Classroom Management Strategies & Resources


    A quick chat on some easy strategies we use and resources we consult for classroom management in our 6-8 classrooms.SIM Chat: Episode 15

  • Episode 11: Rolling out the School Year


    Rolling out the school year with SIM! How we use the Course Organizer, Unit Organizer, and Organizing Together to set up our classrooms and students from the get-go.SIM Chat: Episode 11

  • SIM Chat Episode 12: Revisiting Content Enhancement in the Classroom


    Ways we revisit routines after we've taught them, including unit review techniques, addressing course questions, and vocabulary practice. SIM Chat Episode 12: Revisiting Content Enhancement in the ClassroomDon't forget you can find us on Facebook!

  • Episode 14: Epic Fails!


    That moment you've so carefully planned falls apart in so many ways. Today we celebrate and reflect on our most "epic fails" in the classroom and leading professional development.SIM Chat Episode 14: Epic Fails!

  • Episode 10b: New Inspirations


    A short discussion on our new inspirations based on the 2013 SIM Conference, including directly in our classrooms, coaching, and PD plans.SIM Chat Episode 10b: New Inspirations

  • Episode 10a: Takeaways from the 2013 SIM Conference


    Recorded at the 2013 International SIM Conference. Our takeaways from the conference and a few new things we learned.SIM Chat Episode: Takeaways from the 2013 SIM Conference

  • Episode 8: Organizing Your Content Enhancement Routines


    Our strategies for wrapping up the school year and keeping our materials organized for the summer; different ways to organize your Content Enhancement Routines for easy accessibility for yourself and students.  SIM Chat Episode 9

  • Episode 7 - The Vocabulary LINCing Routine


    Traditional and creative uses of the Vocabulary LINCing Routine in the classroom; also how LINCs are more effective in retention than other similar vocabulary strategies.SIM Chat: Episode 7 - The Vocabulary LINCing Routine

  • Episode 6: Leading Professional Development


    A quick discussion on how we lead professional learning for teaching, including checklists and troubleshooting. Any feedback or new ideas is welcomed!Sim Chat: Episode 6 - Leading Professional Development

  • Episode 5: Planning Professional Workshops


    We explain our collaborative process and the steps go through when planning a professional learning workshop; including SMARTER planning and presentation resources.Episode 5: Planning Professional WorkshopsAdd us on Facebook and get access to links and resources!

  • Episode 4 - Storytelling


    How and why we use storytelling in professional learning settings and in our classrooms; also, what makes an effective story and some storytelling resources.Episode 4 - Storytelling

  • Episode 3 - THE FRAME


    We discuss our use of the FRAME routine in our own classrooms, as well as some of our experiences teaching the FRAME in professional development workshops. Sim Chat: Episode 3 - THE FRAME

  • Episode 2: The Magic of the Unit Organizer


    We discuss how we use the Unit Organizer in our classrooms; benefits to students, teachers, and administration; some troubleshooting and possible ways to mix it up.Episode 2: The Magic of the Unit OrganizerClick on the BLOG tab to see examples from this episode.

  • Episode 1


    Here is the link/feed to our first episode. We should be up and running on iTunes by tonight.