The Ten Faces Of She Lifestyle Podcast




  • Creating Your Life and Home Spa - The Series - Episode 4

    23/08/2009 Duração: 06min

    Using Simple Herbs in Tea, Bath and Facial Steaming for a Quick Anytime Spa Herbs are a quick and easy way to use for a tea, bath or facial streaming. You can easily create a mini spa day with herbs. Herbs are used worldwide from various indigenous plants. Herbs are commonly used to care for for your body and skin, including foot baths that feel great after a long day on or off your feet. Many herbs are available all year long.

  • Creating Your Life and Home Spa - The Series - Episode 3

    23/08/2009 Duração: 07min

    You can easily balance your exercise regimen with relaxation and your spa. A spa is a place that provides you with a retreat with health giving treatments. Your workout during exercise builds stamina and muscle. Rest and relaxation allow your body time to repair and revitalize. However, your spa creates balance between your effort and your resting time.

  • Creating Your Life and Home Spa - The Series - Episode 2

    22/08/2009 Duração: 07min

    Before we begin with any treatments we must first set up your spa space. Find an area in your home that you can use for your spa. If you have a room or special area that you can designate for this purpose that would be ideal. If not, find a place that you can easily set up and transform for a session. Whatever the area in your home, you want to make it clear that this space is special.

  • Creating Your Life and Home Spa - The Series

    22/08/2009 Duração: 04min

    Ten Faces of She presents, Creating Your Own Life & Home Spa, the series. You must learn to unwind and relax after a period of work, tension or doing chores even. Getting away from the stresses of everyday life is crucial for both your health and happiness. Creating your own home spa is an inexpensive way to retreat - to cleanse, refresh your mind and body. Relaxing your spirit will reinvigorate you and give you the strength to accelerate forward and upward!

  • Episode 3 - How Do You Know When to Stop Resisting Change?

    10/08/2009 Duração: 27min

    "The world hates change, yet it's the only thing that has brought success." - Charles Kettering Identify areas in your life that are screaming for change. How do you view change? What benefits are derived from change? How does change influence your success and prosperity? Step 1 - Know that change is necessary for you to move forward and upward. Understand that you can control how you perceive change and that can change the way change, changes your life! EVOLVING - The 1st pillar in Ten Faces of She Paradigm

  • Episode 2 The 5 Pillars of the Ten Faces of She Paradigm

    07/08/2009 Duração: 31min

    This episode is an exciting overview of the Ten Faces of She Paradigm. Andrea Callahan, creator and owner of Ten Faces of She eloquently speaks about the creation of Ten Faces of She. The 5 pillars of Ten Faces of She are EVOLVING EMPOWERED EXCEPTIONAL REVOLUTIONARY SPHERE OF SISTERS Join this extraordinary podcast as Andrea Callahan defines how you can create a powerful alliance to learn your point of balance in order for you to achieve your goals.