Denver Calvary Audio Podcast



Denver Calvary AUDIO Podcast is a weekly bible study with Pastor Louie Cruzado from Denver Calvary Chapel. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP3 files of the message for your iPOD or other MP3 player. Denver Calvary a Christian fellowship where we gather for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Jesus Christ. We desire to see all people become committed to live as followers of Jesus Christ.


  • 2017 Fall Mexico Ministry Trip Testimonies


    Pastor Louie and several members of our congregation went to Mexico to serve several churches and do evangelism. Here are their stories.

  • Psalm 1


    Who is the man of God? What is he like? How does he live? Who is the wicked man? What is his destiny? Pastor Dave uses Psalm 1 as a starting point o show us what the scripture says.

  • Hebrews 6 & Colossians 1 Hope...God's Way


    Hope...the assurance of our faith that believers will enjoy our Lord forever. That heaven is being prepared for believers by Jesus Christ our Lord. Pastor Charles tells us why our hope is different than the world's hope and why it's so much better.

  • Matthew 11:1-6


    Jesus is giving instructions to his disciples who he is sending out to preach and teach the Gospel. When he's finished, he also went out to teach the people. As he teaches, the disciples of John the Baptist approach and ask him if he is the Messiah. Jesus tells them that to tell John that they have witnessed his miracles. "God blesses those who do not turn away because of me," he says.

  • Acts 12:1-25 Death and Deliverance


    King Herod has been capturing and killing many of the early Christian leaders. James, the brother of John, killed. He arrested Peter and put him in prison. But the night before he was to be put on trial, an angel of the Lord visited him in prison and woke him up. He took off Peter's chains and led him out of the prison while everyone else slept. Peter went to visit the church before he fled Jerusalem. God gives Herod worms and sickness and he dies. Meanwhile the word of God continued to spread, and there were many new believers.

  • 2 Samuel 13:23-39 Love, Lust, Loss Part II


    In part two of this sermon, we find Absolom has plotted to murder his brother, Amnon, to avenge his sister, Tamar. Absolom invites his whole family including Amnon to a celebration. At his word, Absolom's servants kill Amnon in front of the whole family. The rest of the family flees in panic and David receives word that all of his sons are dead. While he is in mourning, the truth that only Amnon is dead is given to him. Absolom flees to the country of his mother's birth and lives there for three years.

  • Acts 11:19-30 Believers Called Christians


    After Stephen was martyred, the Jewish Christians were forced to flee. As they fled, they shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone they met. As a result, Christian congregations popped up all over the known world. The Jerusalem church heard about this and sent Barnabas to see what was happening. He found healthy and loving communities of Christians and encouraged them to continue in their discipleship. Then he took Saul and went to Antioch where they spent time encouraging the Christian church there. While they were there Agabus predicted a severe famine in the whole Roman empire. The church gave as they were able so that many Christians were cared for.

  • 2 Samuel 13:1-22 Love, Lust, Loss Part I


    In this passage, the Scriptures relate the story of Amnon and Tamar. Amnon is David's eldest son. Amnon is lovesick for his half-sister, Tamar. Under the influence of a wicked friend, Amnon tricks Tamar into caring for him while he is feigning illness. When they're alone together, Amnon forces himself on her. Tamar is devastated and runs to her brother, Absalom's house. Absalom begins to plot Amnon's murder because David won't punish his son for the crime.

  • Acts 11:1-18 Getting Called on the Carpet


    Peter has received a vision from God explaining that Gentiles are welcome in the Kingdom of God and he has converted the roman centurion, Cornelius, and his whole household. When he returns to Jerusalem, the Jews are angry! "You've eaten with the Gentiles!" So Peter describes his vision and explains his visit with Cornelius. When the Jews in Jerusalem heard what Peter said they stopped objecting and began praising God.

  • 2 Samuel 12:1-31 Confessions, Repentance, and Restoration


    David has just committed his most famous sin - his adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of her husband, Uriah. Nathan, a prophet of God, rebukes David reminding him that he has everything he could ever want, but Uriah only had one wife and worked hard for a living. But David decided to murder him for his wife. David is humbled and confesses his sins. As punishment, God takes the baby at birth and David mourns. It is a fitting ending to this story that David, who has neglected his royal duties, finally takes up the sword and leads his army into battle. They have victory with God on their side.

  • Acts 10:24-48 A Fresh New Work Part II


    Earlier in chapter ten, God gave Peter a vision concerning the admittance of Gentiles into God's kingdom. Now God has sent Peter to visit Cornelius, a Roman centurion, and his family. Peter preaches the Gospel to them and they believe. Immediately, they all received the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues and praising God. This is the great mystery of the new covenant - that Christ lives in believers, both Jews and Gentiles.

  • Genesis 24:1-28 Lead by the Lord


    For a second time, Pastor Charles teaches on how the Lord leads His believers. Abraham sends his servant to find Isaac a wife in the land of his forefathers. The servant is lead by the Lord to seek out Rebekkah in the city of Nahor. Pastor Charles derives several principles that we can use as we seek out God's will. 1) Inquire of the Lord - determine his character and seek out his will. 2) Step out in faith and the Lord will guide. 3) Pray as you go - so that you are in communication with the Lord. 4) Be patient for the answer to your prayers.

  • Genesis 30-50 Staying the Course


    Mr. Jim Paris teaches this bible study on staying the course in the midst of trials. Joseph in the last half of the book of Genesis is a prime example of reminaing steadfast in faith despite many trials. He is kidnapped and sold into slavery by his brothers, he endures many years of slavery, he resists sexual temptation, he endures prison, and finally is given tremendous responsibility for the land of Egypt. Yet through it all, Joseph remains steadfast in his faith in God. He relies on God through his trials and uses His strength to make it through the trials set before him.

  • Matthew 6:24-34


    Look at the birds of the air; do they worry about what they will eat tomorrow? Look at the flowers in the field; are they concerned with what they shall wear tomorrow? If the Lord takes care of the birds and flowers will he not take care of you? Why then do we worry and fear so much in this life? Our God is greater than the worries and concerns of this life. Pastor Joey Kee is from Calvary Chapel Castle Rock, speaking here in Denver on a special occasion.

  • Nehemiah 4 In the Face of Opposition


    Pastor Charles talks about facing obstacles and opposition after you determine to step out in faith and being obedient to the Lord's will. Nehemiah faces opposition as he tries to rebuild the Wall of Jerusalem after the Babylonians destroyed it many decades earlier. Nehemiah is given persmission and the resources to return to Israel and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. While the wall is still small and short, the cannanites living around them begin to fear that Israel will become powerful again and they determine to destroy the wall and prevent it from being built. Nehemiah strengthens the people by reminding them that God is on their side because he commissioned them to rebuild the wall. With that, the people protect the wall at night and rebuilt it by day. They were steadfast in their resolve to built that wall.

  • Psalms 38 The Consequences of Sin


    Psalm 38 is the song David wrote about the anguish he endured after his sin with Bathseba. It speaks of his bones wasting away and his enemies plotting against him. The consequences of sin, even for a believer, are severe. God always disciplines sin in hopes that his discipline will correct you. Consider the discipline that David endured, refusing to acknowledge your sin and repent simply isn't worth it.

  • Acts 10:1-23 A Fresh New Work


    Soon after Jesus returns to heaven he makes it clear to Peter and Paul that the Gospel is for all men: Jews and Gentiles. While Peter is on mission in Ceasarea, a local centurion, Cornelius summons Peter to tell them about Jesus. Before Peter hears that he is summoned, God gives Peter a vision of a white sheet filled with animals - both clean and unclean in Jewish law. God tells Peter to eat everything including the unclean animals, indicating that the "unclean" Gentiles are now permitted to hear the Gospel. Soon after, Cornelius' servant arrives to bid Peter come and speak to the centurion's family. A new work is being done by including the Gentiles in the covenant of Christ.

  • Psalm 19:1-14 Resting in the Lord


    Our world has always been go-go-go. In addition, the people of God have always struggled with resting in the Lord. In Psalm 19, David teaches us how to rest in the Lord. Not necessarily by physically resting, but having peace as we know and understand who our God is and how much power he holds over us and the world.

  • Genesis 24:1-27 Lead by the Lord


    An allegory is a type of story where characters, events, and places correspond directly to ideas and characters in other stories. Genesis 24 is both a history of what happened and an allegory of how the church is to be lead by the Lord. In Genesis 24, Abraham sends his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac from among his people. The Lord leads the servant through a series of answers to pray to Rebecca. Rebecca proves herself to the servant and to the Lord and returns with the servant to marry Isaac. She becomes the mother of Esau and Jacob.

  • 2 Samuel 11:6-27 The Deceptiveness of Sin


    David has committed adultery with Bathsheba and she becomes pregnant. David has the option to confess to the Lord and his people and repent. Instead he chooses to cover up his sin. He brings Uriah, Bathsheba's husband back from the battle, but he chooses not to sleep with his wife out of loyalty to his fellow warriors who are still fighting. David then sends a letter to Joab telling him to put Uriah in the front lines and have the enemy kill him so no one knows that David slept with his wife. At the end of the chapter, God is mentioned. He is displeased with David.

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