Christ Community Sunday - Olathe Campus



This podcast features the Sunday morning messages from Christ Community Church's Olathe Campus.


  • Romans: Alive Inside [Romans: 08]

    21/04/2024 Duração: 34min

    Romans 8:5-13 // Nathan MillerThere is a freedom that comes from God’s Spirit, that you just can’t get anywhere else. But we tend to define freedom as the ability to do whatever I want. To fulfill my desires, whatever those desires are. But that’s not real freedom because those desires so often hurt ourselves and others.Real freedom. The freedom God offers us. Is the freedom to do what will actually satisfy. Freedom to do what is good, loving, and beautiful. And we know this! We want this! Whether you’re a Christian or not, whether you’re religious or not, we know that a life lived loving others is better than a life loving only ourselves and our desires.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Free for Life [Romans: 07]

    14/04/2024 Duração: 32min

    Romans 8:1-5 // Jonathan NeefI believe this is the best news you can hear. But I struggle to remember and believe that myself. My assumption is that there are at least three types of people in this room. Those that do not find this as great news because we don’t think we are actually bad enough to deserve condemnation in the first placeThose that believe this is good news but we forget about it and live as if it does not matterAnd those that do not find this to be good news because we don’t believe it could be true. We have messed up too much. We are too big of failures. We know our brokenness and it is too great. This means that this morning we have our work cut out for us.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Fighting for Life [Romans for Life: 06]

    07/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    Romans 7:14-25 // Nathan MillerThe biggest fights are the ones we have within ourselves. How does Jesus shape the fight waging within? It may not be what we thought. Join us as we continue to see how God has rescued us not only from death but for Life in the book of Romans. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Easter Sunday - Jesus Came Back to Life for Your Life

    31/03/2024 Duração: 33min

    Matthew 28 // Jonathan NeefFor some the empty tomb is just a harmless story and myth, kinda like the Easter bunny. For others, it was a story of deliberate deceit used to hide the truth and deceive millions. And for some of us this is the most important story in existence. It's the true story of the day we say “the tomb is empty because He is Risen! He has Risen Indeed.Let me ask “What do you see when you look at the empty tomb?”I ask this question because your answer matters greatly. Now, regardless of your answer I am so glad you are here but for 2,000 years Christians have gathered, not just on Easter, but on Every Sunday to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. Because what we see when we look at the empty tomb matters! SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: No, the Law Did Not Take Our Life [Romans: 05]

    24/03/2024 Duração: 29min

    Romans 7:7-13 // Nathan MillerSome of us, if we’re honest, believe: the rules can save us. If we just follow the right rules, enact the right laws, educate our kids the right ways, we’ll make the good life. And listen: this is true of religious people and nonreligious people. Republicans and democrats. We all try to legislate morality. Others of us love freedom, and we think our freedom can save us. We don’t want any rules. The good life is found in doing whatever I want, whenever I want. And we end up like driftwood. Religious people and nonreligious people.The right rules can’t save us, but neither can the right amount of doing whatever we want. Both those paths lead to death.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Belonging to Jesus Bears Life [Romans: 04]

    17/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    Romans 7:1-6 // Brooks NesseWe all have this desire to belong.  And it's a good desire, it is what we were made for. But what about those times when we don’t feel like we belong? Or what about those times when we are seeking to belong in a place that would not lead to our flourishing. I'm sure many of us have experienced both. But I am sure we have all been there. We were created to belong. Each of these temporary places of belonging have the potential to point us to our ultimate need of belonging. And in our passage today in Romans 7, Paul is seeking to remind the church in Rome of where their ultimate belonging is and what that belonging means for their life.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Eternal Life [Romans: 03]

    10/03/2024 Duração: 36min

    Romans 6:15-23 // Jonathan NeefWe live in a country and society founded upon the idea that life and happiness are the fruit of freedom. This is different from other countries around the world but we love our freedom. Freedom to be who we want, do what we want, and live however we want. But does our freedom actually give us life and happiness? Today we are going to look at the text from the book of Romans which tells us that grace actually frees us to be slaves to God. And yet it is this type of freedom that brings life.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Offer Your Life to God [Romans: 02]

    03/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    Romans 6:12-14 // Brooks NesseOne of the greatest battles of history is not “out there,” but rather, is “in here.” Herein lies a crucial insight as to why following Jesus can be so hard. There is a battle being waged not just with our bodies but in our bodies. Join us as we continue to see in the book of Romans what Jesus has rescued you and me for, and how we can actually live this out. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • Romans: Rescued for New Life [Romans: 01]

    25/02/2024 Duração: 36min

    Romans 6:1-11 // Jonathan NeefWe all love a good rescue story. But what happens after the rescue? Is that the end? Is there any more? Today we are in the book of Romans where the first five chapters have highlighted our need for a rescue. Today, beginning in chapter six, we will see that we were not only rescued from something but that we are rescued for something. Specifically, we have not only been rescued from sin and death but we are rescued for Life. And not just any life but life with Christ. What does that look like? Join us as we take a deeper look.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Hell? [But What About? 07]

    18/02/2024 Duração: 38min

    Matthew 25:31-46 // Nathan MillerJesus Himself makes it clear. Some will go to heaven. And some will go to hell. At the very thought of that, many of us have issues.Our imaginations have been tainted, but more than that, we really struggle to believe that God could punish evil so severely. I mean, maybe for the really wicked people. But what about my friends at school, work, our neighborhoods? Do we still believe in hell? Yes. But we have a lot of work to do if we’re going to understand this even a little bit. I’ve got a list of 6 things to help us understand why hell exists and what it means. Are you with me?SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Suffering? [But What About? 06]

    11/02/2024 Duração: 36min

    Psalm 13:1-6; Mark 15:33-39 // Jonathan Neef“I used to go to church and pray, and then my best friend got sick and died… How can I believe in God when that happened?” My friend told me this in 7th grade, and it would be the first but not last time I would hear what I would later learn that theologians and philosophers call “the problem of evil”. Why does an all good and all powerful God permit evil and suffering?While God does not give us an answer to our “why” question, he does show us “how” to find meaning through suffering and experience that we are not alone. Join us as we learn how to lament our suffering with God through Psalm 13.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS:

  • But What About Christianity & Politics? [But What About?] 05

    04/02/2024 Duração: 33min

    Matthew 22:15-22 // Brooks NesseWherever you find yourself in this matter of faith and politics, whatever your political leanings, right, left, or somewhere in the middle, the question we need to thoughtfully ask is (Slide) How Should Followers of Jesus Navigate Politics? And let’s be honest, we as followers of Jesus can and do at times fall into some political potholes. This is a big challenge in our contemporary moment, but has also been true throughout the 2000 year history of the church. The relationship of God and government has always been a difficult navigation for followers of Jesus and the church. Throughout history, there have been various kinds of governments and both good and bad governing officials and a wide range of views among Christians. The topic of politics and faith is a vast and multi-facet subject and I cannot begin to cover all the terrain or address many of the questions or concerns you may have. SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): REQUESTS: https://ccefc

  • But what about Christian sexual ethics? (But What About...? 04)

    29/01/2024 Duração: 33min

    God cares about what we do with our bodies, including how we handle sex. Because of this Christians have a sex ethic which is often ridiculed by our culture. Culture says that sex is both absolutely everything (our identity factor) and that it means nothing (because it's just physical) all at the same time. Which is it? And how should we approach thinking about sex, beauty, desire, and identity? The fact that we are asking these questions is not a mistake. Join us as we look at what scripture says concerning sex.Genesis 2:18-25; Genesis 1:26-28 // Jonathan Neef24.01.28SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): : REQUESTS:

  • But What About Women? [But What About 03]

    21/01/2024 Duração: 36min

    Genesis 1:26-28; Luke 10:38-42 // Nathan MillerRegardless of your theological position, or where you land on gender responsibilities within the home and in the church. Regardless, all of us should seek to avoid the mistreatment of women. All of us should seek to empower, develop, and learn from women and protect them from abuse. And if there are distortions of Christianity that have led to harm, we want to expose them for what they are. Distortions. Here’s what we need to remember: Mistreatment of women is always a distortion of God’s heart. Mistreatment of women is always a mistreatment of Scripture.SERMON NOTES (YouVersion): PRAYER REQUESTS:

  • But What About the Bible? [But What About 02]

    14/01/2024 Duração: 33min

    2 Timothy 3:12-17 // Jonathan NeefMy hope this morning is to help you see that the Bible is God’s word to you. That the claims of scripture are bold and beautiful and that what God says we must trust and obey. To do that we are going to ask and try to answer three questions: What are the Claims of Scripture? How can I Trust Scripture? Why should I Obey Scripture?There is life in these pages because the Bible is the inspired word of God.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • But What About the Church?

    07/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    Matthew 16:17-19, Ephesians 3:20-21 // Nathan MillerDisagreement, hurt, frustration, and abuse. There are a lot of reasons to dismiss the church, but there may very well be more reasons to give her a second look. What if there is a more enchanting story of the church and Jesus?Join us as we begin a new series exploring some of the sincere questions and frustrations we have with the Christian faith, the “But what about…” questions of faith. Together we may find a both/and rather than either/or story of our deepest wrestlings. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • The Wise Men [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 5]

    31/12/2023 Duração: 34min

    Matthew 2:1-12 // Brooks NesseIt’s all too easy to skim through the Christmas narrative and miss out on key aspects of that story. The three Wise Men are some of the most misremembered and misunderstood characters of Christmas, and yet their story teaches us a crucial lesson about Christmas and its relevance for life today.Join us as we look at Christmas through the eyes of the Wise Men, and see who is the True King we should worship.Sermon Notes: Requests:

  • Joseph [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 4]

    24/12/2023 Duração: 29min

    Matthew 1:18-25 // Nathan MillerChristmas wasn’t welcome news to even the faithful…at first. Christmas in many ways disrupts our best laid plans. The question is NOT whether Christmas messes with our lives. The question IS how we show up when Christmas comes into our tidy lives. Join us as we look over the shoulders of someone who experienced the utter disruption of Christmas and still leaned in. Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Mary [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 3]

    17/12/2023 Duração: 31min

    Luke 1:26-45 // Jonathan NeefWhy has the Christmas story lasted so long? Mary was a nobody from nowhere with nothing to offer. Her claim of being the mother of God was offensive to others and dangerous to her. Her story of an angel and virgin birth were as unbelievable and even laughable 2000 years ago as they are today. So why has the Christmas story lasted so long? Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

  • Zechariah [Christmas Through the Eyes of Faith 2]

    10/12/2023 Duração: 30min

    Luke 1:5-25, 55-67 // Jonathan NeefWhat happens when Christmas is NOT what you thought it would be? You experience pain, loss, and sadness in ways you didn’t want or expect. Today we are going to look at how we see Christmas through the eyes of faith even when Christmas is hard. Specifically, we are going to look at Christmas through the eyes of faith even when we have been disappointed and have our doubts.Sermon Notes: Prayer Requests:

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