Jeremy Rupp L Secret Strategies For Successful Real Estate Investing And Construction



Secrets Strategies to becoming a successful real estate investor. This show will cover the basics for new investors and detailed concepts for savvy ones!


  • Jeremy Rupp l How to Close a Deal in 2-4 Weeks!

    13/01/2012 Duração: 13min

    You’ve heard location, location, location is name of the game in real estate! However, Preparation is Just as important to secure your deals. This is where many investors lose out on securing the perfect deal. Key preparation is your secret weapon to moving quickly in your real estate transaction and to keep the cash flow flowing! This podcast you’re going to learn how Realistic it is to close a deal in 2-4 weeks. Grab your pen and paper NOW, because you will not want to miss anything on this packed episode. You will learn the Exact Day by Day actions you must do to close on your property in 2-4 weeks. Plus, you’ll learn the most valuable checklist to make this happen. You’ll also learn who you Need to have on your team to make this happen. Get ready to take awesome notes on this show for the Keys to the Vault for fast closings! To learn more about key strategies for your real estate business head over to Jeremy Rupp is a Professional Real Estate Investor, Consultant and Educator. He

  • Jeremy Rupp l How to Pull the Trigger and Snakes??

    13/01/2012 Duração: 07min

    To partner or Not to partner? That is a serious, valid question to understand when looking to purchase a deal. There are 5 Investor Needs that you must understand and evaluate for your real estate investment success! This podcast will unveil and explain how understanding the 5 key investors needs is crucial to your success. Investment deals, can be simple, however they typically in most cases are not. By understanding these 5 pillar investor needs you will begin to eliminate the complexity of trying to structure your deal. Learn the proper understanding on how to meet your investor needs, how to establish your goals and expectations, what is the best financing choice for success in specific transactions, the mechanics of deals, and what skill sets are needed to enhance your results. To learn more about proper deal structuring head over to Jeremy Rupp is a Professional Real Estate Investor, Consultant and Educator. He specializes in value-add acquisitions, distressed property, real estat

  • Jeremy Rupp l Effective Deal Structure 101

    13/01/2012 Duração: 16min

    To partner or Not to partner? That is a serious, valid question to understand when looking to purchase a deal. There are 5 Investor Needs that you must understand and evaluate for your real estate investment success! This podcast will unveil and explain how understanding the 5 key investors needs is crucial to your success. Investment deals, can be simple, however they typically in most cases are not. By understanding these 5 pillar investor needs you will begin to eliminate the complexity of trying to structure your deal. Learn the proper understanding on how to meet your investor needs, how to establish your goals and expectations, what is the best financing choice for success in specific transactions, the mechanics of deals, and what skill sets are needed to enhance your results. To learn more about proper deal structuring head over to Jeremy Rupp is a Professional Real Estate Investor, Consultant and Educator. He specializes in value-add acquisitions, distressed property, real estat

  • Jeremy Rupp l Know Your Position!

    13/01/2012 Duração: 17min

    One of the biggest secrets in the real estate investing world is to truly understand your financial position before engaging in any transaction. The quickest way to losing money or having a frustrating experience in real estate investing world is by NOT knowing how your financial situation directly impacts your deal. Jeremy explains for Key personality types in the real estate world and how each should move forward the correct way in the real estate transaction they are attempting to achieve. Find out what personality type you are and learn the proper way to be structuring your deals. Most people adopt other people's investing strategies and end up structuring a deal that is bound to fail! This podcast will teach how to assess your own personal situation to better structure your deal for Your success! To learn more about Jeremy and his real estate done-for-you or mentoring programs go now to Http:// Jeremy Rupp is a Professional Real Estate Investor, Consultant and Educator. He specializes in

  • Jeremy Rupp l Welcome to Secret Strategies for Successful Real Estate Investing

    13/01/2012 Duração: 05min

    Investing in real estate can be a tricky, confusing, and extremely costly if you're not properly educated on the correct process and procedures to follow in order be successful! There are very specific and proper steps you must plan for when becoming or advancing your real estate investing business or portfolio. On this podcast we will discuss what it takes to build a massive investment portfolio or how to get started even on your first deal. We will focus on how to structure deals, the right mindset you need to win at the real estate game, how to form the correct partnerships that have you win in the real estate game, walks throughs on specific deals that are not a Deal and why so you can avoid the pitfalls most people find themselves overwhelmed in and so much more! This podcast will be your secret weapon to beating the competition and developing a stellar portfolio for your future! To learn more about coaching or done-for-you investing head over now to Jeremy Rupp is a Professional