

This week on the podcast, I'm joined by Jake Kefler, A lifestyle entrepreneur, life elevator, and coach to ambitious entrepreneurs as we discuss How To Elevate Your Network! He is a 3x bestselling author, a high-energy motivational speaker, investor, and the founder of the Professional Basketball Combine which has helped 70+ NBA draft prospects turn their dreams of playing pro basketball into their reality. He and his work have been featured on Forbes, Sports Illustrated, ESPN, and many other major media outlets. Learn more about Jake Kefler: JAKE KEFLER Follow him on social media on Instagram and Facebook Amplify Your Mission is committed to helping Authors, Coaches & Speakers to increase their reach and revenue. To equip you with the strategies, tools and assets the top 1% of modern Thought Leaders use to attract and serve their ideal audience. We are here to support experts and help more people with their unique expertise in their industry. What are the top 1% of "thought leaders" doing that YOU are no