Bee The Wellness Podcast

Ep:226 Introducing our Director of Health and Wellness|Paige Lynch



We are super excited to announce our newest team member, and we can't wait for you all to get to know her better! My name is Paige S. Lynch, I am a triple board-certified functional medicine nurse practitioner and owner of Functional Health and Wellness, PLLC, a private functional medicine practice based in Fredericksburg, VA. I am also a mother and wife who has struggled to balance caring for others while still caring for myself. I started my career in a high-stress environment as a firefighter/paramedic. As I advanced in my education and training, my own health crisis after the birth of my son opened my eyes to the physical effects of chronic stress and not caring for my body. Shortly after my son was born, I began to experience an expression of symptoms and illnesses that were not making sense to my conventionally-trained medical brain. Unable to get the medical support I needed from traditional conventional medicine, I began to research on my own.  Over time I discovered there was another way. I began a p