Lady Fontaine's Eye On The Future

Eye on Attachment Styles



Determine if you are Anxious, Avoidant or Secure (or a combination).  Understanding these attachment styles can help you find and keep love. PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW SHOW DATE & TIME: The science behind adults showing attachment to their partners similar to the patterns of attachment of children to their parents isn't new but it has been researched by several scientists and therapists in recent years.  There are 3 primary attachment styles for adults - Anxious, Avoidant and Secure. Science tells us that all adult relationships fall into these categories.  50% are secure, 20% anxious and 25% avoidant.  The remaining 5% are a combination of anxious & avoidant. Tune in to find out more about this fascinating approach to relationships. Join Lady Fontaine aka America's #1 Love Psychic along with Jim Elkin the resident healing guru and Paul LaPlaca our incredible host.  Phone lines open at 5:45PM (ET). Please call us with your questions and comments. Our phone number is:  (319) 527-6216 Join us tonight