Jaywontdart's Podcast

Episode 41 Chickens



EpisodeChickenshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChickenHello and welcome to another quality episode of Jay Wont dart's podcast, where I talk about things that live in my backyard.My intro was from over population is a myth .com . I'd mentioned overpopulation as being a danger in an earlier episode, perhaps I were wrong, going to over population is a myth.com doesnt take very long, so why not? My father recently bought home some chickens, two hens and a rooster. Im against having pets, but having spent time with these lovely birds, I'd find it hard to send these chickens on their way. I've never really liked cats or dogs, I find them noisy and messy, but birds and insects have always been very dear to me.I'll read from wikipedia,"Chickens are omnivores.[9] In the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects and even larger animals such as lizards or young mice[10].Chickens may live for five to eleven years, depending on the breed.[11] In commercial intensive farming, a meat chicken generall