Lady Fontaine's Eye On The Future

Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist



This week's show deals with the trauma of dealing with a relationship with a Narcissist. Lady Fontaine and her panel of experts examine this topic to help you release the resistance and begin living your life more harmoniously. Call us with your questions on this or any topic. Lady Fontaine and her panel of experts are here to help guide you through life's challenges (and joys)! Call in for a FREE psychic reading or love and relationship guidance. You'll get great insightful answers,advice and guidance. Give us a call. We want to hear from you! Phone lines open at 7:45pm!  Please call early and get in queue. Co-host James Elkin, L.Ac.,EastWest Healing Arts & Acupuncture, LLC: Over the last 50 years, Jim has journeyed through many careers, schools, languages, cultures and religions. He draws on his significant resources and experiences in his work as a healer, and parent. Host Paul LaPlaca is an award-winning multi-instrumentalist with a long history of performance and recording. He hosts his own music