Speaking Of The Arts

Episode 65: We Want to Hear From You



It's been several months since we did an episode and a lot has changed in the time between! Thanks to the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant, the SBA has released just over 4 billion dollars to venues and agencies around the country. The total funding for the program is approximately 16 billion, so there will be a lot more released in the coming weeks. We are already seeing the impact of this with more and more shows being scheduled in the coming months and, even more exciting, are all of the shows currently taking place with sell out crowds and enthusiastic audiences everywhere. I think back to a year ago this time during the summer of 2020 and how far we've come. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to all of the scientists and doctors and of course frontline healthcare workers who worked tirelessly for months to deliver the vaccine and who continue to do so each day. Without them, the music industry would have truly ceased to exist. I thought we could use today's episode as an opportunity to hear from our listene