Campfire Faith - Simple Reflections With Korske Ara

Faith Like a Child



The bible talks about having faith like a child and to trust God with everything. As a young boy, I loved to go fishing with my Dad, we would launch the boat and spend the day out on the ocean. It would take ages to reach the good fishing spots and I would watch as coastline disappeared into the horizon. By the time we stopped, I would have no idea where I was. All that surrounded us in our 6 metre boat was water. I didn’t understand how my dad knew where we were or which way home was but I always trusted him. By nightfall, we would pull up at the boat ramp with a box full of snapper, tuna and flathead. As an adult, our ability to trust is often taken away from us. We put up walls to protect ourselves. I’ve been challenged to remember the role that God plays as a father. Child like faith is humbling, it’s knowing that even beyond your understanding, you’re going to trust that someone else knows the way. In Proverbs 3:5 it’s written: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; Do not depend on your own unde