Food Innovators By Food-x

InDemand Cofounders with Food-X: Growing Local Stores & Neighborhoods



Food Innovators from Food-X: InDemand Cofounders talking about empowering local retailers Interview with InDemand cofounders - they have a cool goal - to help local retailers, small neighborhood food and grocery stores to get online. InDemand does EVERYTHING to help small grocery retailers service their customers online - from the online website, product set up, inventory management, ordering and even delivery. That way the local store can focus on doing what they've been doing and service their local communities. - Interview by Andrew D. Ive - Managing Director, Food-X - Food Innovators by Food-X, the #1 Food Innovation Accelerator in the World. We help food entrepreneurs bring their products and services to market at super speed. Food-X partners with early stage companies from across the food supply chain, from agriculture through consumer packaged goods, and helps these companies grow fast through Startup C