1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

066: Vets’ Lives Matter – in honor of Daniel Demaio – featuring Robb Novotny



Robb Novotny is our guest this week. He’s a Marine Corps veteran and would like to share Dan Demaio’s story. Dan served with Robb and took his own life just a few years ago. Robb describes the events – good and bad – leading up to Dan’s death and how it affected him moving forward. Robb recently dedicated a hike from Quantico to New York for his friend Dan and started the initiative #VetsLivesMatter. His efforts show updates for fundraising missions aiding awareness to Veteran Suicide, Mental Illnesses, and Homelessness. Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/VetsLivesMatter22?fref=ts