1, 2, Many: Veteran Suicide With Timothy Lawson

070: “It’s OK to be a bitch” featuring Luis Tenezacamora (Marine)



Luis Tenezacamora is a Marine Corps veteran. I served with him briefly in Moscow. A while back, I made a Facebook status asking for insight on calling a crisis hotline. Luis messaged me with highlights of his experience. He had good things to say, so I asked him if he’d come onto the podcast to talk about it. He obliged. Along with his decision to call a hotline, Luis shares with us…: His personal emotional health issues Drinking problems Seeking counseling How his brother came to his aid Why it’s OK to “be a bitch” Let us know how you feel about his story by interacting with us on Twitter: @One2ManyProject @TimLawson21 (host) If you’d like to share your own story on the program, email me: lawson@lawsonentertainment.com