Yoga & Beyond | The Yoga And Movement Science Podcast

Y&B #50 How does Bikram Yoga affect core temperature and heart rate?



Yoga and Movement Research Series How does Bikram yoga affect heart rate and core temperature? To be completely honest neither Cat nor I are fans of Bikram yoga or hot yoga in general. Nonetheless, we did our best to discuss Bikram yoga and this study as objectively as possible. In this episode we reviewed an ACE (American Council on Exercise) sponsored study done in 2015, which examines the effect of Bikram yoga on core temperature, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion of 20 Bikram practitioners. Some interesting data from the study: The average highest core temp was 103.2 for men and 102 for women. One male had a core temp of 104 by the end of the 90 minute class. The average heart rate was 80% max for men and 72% max for women. The highest recorded was 92% for men and 85% for female. It's essential for Bikram teachers to have a basic understanding of thermoregulation and know the signs and symptoms of heat related illness. Teachers should be trained to respond appropriately in the event of an emerg