New Superwoman Entrepreneur Podcast With Maribel Jimenez

My SUPERwoman Breakthrough Story of How it All Began...



In today's episode I'm sharing MY breakthrough story of the how SUPERwoman began and my new mission to support other women to create Peace, Play & Prosperity in Business and in Life. My advice for you in your journey to having more Peace, Play & Prosperity in Business and Life.... Immerse yourself in the path towards what you desire, and a community that supports you. Looking for a community? Join me in the Superwoman Entrepreneur Life free Facebook Group here. To access the full show notes PLUS enter the Special 30-Day Superwoman Entrepreneur Breakthrough Series Giveaway, click here: To access my special gift - the SUPERwoman Gift Pack, click here. We hope you enjoyed this episode with a clip of my breakthrough story, you can read the full version in the upcoming Superwoman Entrepreneur Book that launches on July 3, 2019.