210 Local Media Podcast - San Antonio, Texas

Episode 68: F.I.N. RADIO - Forever Is Never



Episode 68: F.I.N. RADIO - Forever Is NeverThanks for tuning in to 210 Local Media Podcast, I am your host, Mario Zamarron. For those who have been listening to the show for a while, you know I manage the band Slowlikefire. Two fifths of Slowlikefire used to be in Forever Is Never a.k.a. FIN, Jaime Monzon and David Monzon. I never got to hear them while they were an active band unfortunately, but this episode features their self titled album, Forever Is Never. If you’re local to the San Antonio, think back to Sin 13 and the heyday of The White Rabbit (now the Paper Tiger). For those who are familiar, this will bring back memories of those times and the rawness that can still be heard throughout San Antonio’s musical history. For those who are not familiar, we hope you like this look into the recent past and a part of what eventually became Slowlikefire. Today, we focus on FIN. Check out their still active website, www.foreverisnever.comRecipe for RevengeDinner and a MovieLeave a MessageTwo Parts by MyselfMoth